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HomeGreenwoodUV Air Purifier Installation in Greenwood, IN

UV Air Purifier Installation 

UV Air Purifier Installation in Greenwood, IN

If you’re a parent to a young child in Greenwood, IN, you are probably frustrated with the number of times your child comes home sick. Kids frequently spread germs at school and then bring their sicknesses home to share with the family.

If you’re a concerned parent looking for a way to improve the indoor environment in your home, which includes stopping the spread of diseases, then consider a whole house air purifier. Whole house air purifiers are beneficial to everyone, though, especially those who suffer from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory illnesses.

Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing provides a variety of indoor air quality solutions for homes throughout the Greenwood, IN area, including whole house air purifiers which can make homes safer and more comfortable spaces for homeowners to enjoy. If you’re interested in learning about how to improve your home’s indoor air quality, talk to Johnson today.


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What is an Air Purifier?

A whole house air purifier is attached to your HVAC system and sanitizes the air before it makes its way into your home’s HVAC system. 

An air purifier uses a UV light to sanitize the air, preventing bacteria, viruses, allergens, and other germs from reproducing. This stops these contaminants from spreading throughout the home through your air ducts. 

Many homeowners have invested in individual room air purification systems. These can help sanitize the air as well but are only effective for a certain sized room. A whole house system covers your entire home. Every room in the house can experience the benefits of an air purifier when you have one attached to your home’s  HVAC system. 

Benefits of an Air Purifier

Many homeowners wonder if an air purification system is worth the cost. We say it depends on your home’s indoor air quality.

Talk to Johnson to assess the air quality of your Greenwood area home, and we can recommend an indoor air quality system that would best meet your needs. However, for our customers who have invested in a whole house air purifier, we often hear that these are some of their favorite benefits they’ve noticed. 

Help with Allergies

If you have family members who suffer from allergies or asthma, an air purifier helps eliminate the triggers that are in the air that cause symptoms. An air purifier will also cut down on sneezing and sore throats. 

Better Sleep

Air quality tends to get worse at night due to a lack of circulation and dry air. Germs can spread easier in dry air, but an air purifier stops the spread of germs and can help reduce the feeling of stale air in your home. You won’t wake up with a scratchy throat or from a sneezing fit, which can help you sleep better. 

Kills Odors

Do you have smokers in your home? Or maybe a family member who likes to cook, but tends to burn things? The smell of smoke can penetrate your furniture and curtains and can sometimes keep those odors smelling strong, long after the smoke has passed. UV air purifiers can eliminate smoke particles as well as other odor particles to keep your home smelling fresh. 

Improve the Life of Your HVAC System

Germs, bacteria, and other contaminants in the air all move through your HVAC system. Your furnace air filter catches some of them, but not all of them, and they can clog up your system. Over time, all this dust and grime can age your furnace or air conditioner and cause issues. An air purifier provides an extra layer of protection for your system so it can last longer because it will be less bogged down with grime. 

Maintenance For Air Purifiers

Occasionally, your air purifier may need a replacement UV bulb to keep it working properly. The team at Johnson has all the tools and equipment required to fix your air purification system quickly and efficiently.

If you ever feel that your home’s air quality is not up to its usual standards, then talk to us to inspect your air purification system to make sure everything is working properly.

Unless you need specific repairs, you often don’t need to schedule maintenance for your air purifier alone. The team at Johnson Heating | Air | Plumbing will be happy to inspect your air purifier as part of your annual maintenance for your furnace or air conditioning system. If there’s anything that needs to be fixed, we’ll let you know. Having maintenance performed regularly can help prevent the need for repairs in the future by catching issues ahead of time. Talk to us about joining our Comfort Club, so you never have to worry about missing an important maintenance appointment again. 

    Ron Griesemer, Owner

    Talk to Johnson for Air Purifier Installation Services

    If you’re ready to improve the indoor air quality in your Greenwood, IN area home, then it’s time to talk to Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing about adding a whole-house air purifying system. Schedule an appointment for an indoor air quality assessment, and we’ll provide you with the best solutions available. Talk to Johnson today.

    (317) 881-7738

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