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HomeGreenwoodPlumbingGreenwood, IN Traditional Water Heater Repair

Traditional Water Heater Repair

Traditional Water Heater Repair in Greenwood, IN

If your traditional water heater suddenly loses the ability to provide hot water for your home, it can be a huge inconvenience. Not only will you lose the ability to take hot showers, but water heater leaks can cause significant damage to your Greenwood, IN home.

If your hot water heater is exhibiting signs that it needs a repair, don’t hesitate to contact the licensed plumbers at Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing. The sooner we can repair the unit, the less damage it will cause. Keep reading to learn more about our water heater repair services in Greenwood, IN.


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Benefits of Repairing Your Hot Water Heater

Just a few of the benefits of having your traditional water heater repaired include:

Lower Energy Bills

A water heater that requires repairs runs less efficiently, which burns more energy and causes energy bills to rise. Maintenance and making timely repairs to your water heater can help it run more efficiently and lower your monthly electricity bills.

Improved Water Pressure

Part of repairing your traditional water heater means flushing the tank. This process removes debris and sediment that may clog the in-flow or out-flow valves, and it also removes air in the lines. This helps the water pressure stay at its adjusted range with nothing blocking the lines.

Greater Access to Hot Water

Making timely repairs helps your traditional water heater operate at its highest efficiency. The less time it takes for the water heater to refill and heat, the greater access you’ll have to hot water when you need it.

Improved Water Quality

Flushing your water heater and cleaning the tank removes rust and mineralization that can cause your water supply to become rusty or dirty. This will give you access to clean water for washing dishes, cooking, laundry, and bathing.

Common Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repair

Some of the most common signs that indicate your hot water heater requires repair include:

  • A lack of hot water. If your traditional water heater isn’t doing its job by providing you with hot water for showers, cleaning, or cooking, contact a licensed plumber to inspect the unit. The problem could be as simple as loose connections or a tripped breaker to something more serious such as issues with the thermostat or electric ignition.
  • Leaks. If your water heater sprouts a leak, contact the professional plumbers at Johnson to inspect the unit to determine whether it can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced. Issues that can cause water heaters to leak include a damaged drain valve, loose gaskets, faulty cold and hot water connections, and corrosion inside the tank. The last issue often means you need a new unit installed.
  • Strange noises. Any unusual noises coming from your water heater are signs of concern. If you hear knocking, hissing, popping, or banging noises, there’s likely sediment buildup at the bottom of your tank or other issues that need to be addressed.
  • High energy bills. Issues with your water heater can also cause it to run less efficiently, which can cause your electricity bills to skyrocket. Common water heater problems that can cause an increase in energy bills include leaks, poor insulation, overheating due to a faulty thermostat, and an inefficient heating element.
  • Rusty water. Nobody wants to turn on the faucet to pour a glass of water and see discolored or rusty water. This is often a sign your water heater is corroded inside and needs to be repaired or replaced. In most cases, you need a new water heater installed.
Ron Griesemer, Owner

Contact Johnson for Hot Water Heater Repair in Greenwood, IN

If your hot water heater is acting up, reach out to the plumbing professionals at Johnson for fast, reliable, and expert water heater repair service. Our technicians can inspect your water heater and make an honest recommendation regarding whether repair or replacement is the best option. For water heater repair service in Greenwood, IN, contact Johnson today.

(317) 881-7738

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