If you are considered to be the handyman around the Greenwood house in regards to fixing toilets, chances are you get your spouse or kids running to you and saying “The toilet won’t flush… but it’s not our fault”.
Of course, you usually rely on the handy-dandy plunger to fix your everyday problems, but when that doesn’t pan out what do you do next? Call a plumber of course. However, before resorting to a plumber, you must understand why your toilet isn’t flushing properly.
The Toilet is Clogged
This is the most obvious reason why your Greenwood home toilet isn’t flushing like it should be. If you are using too much toilet paper or are flushing anything else down the toilet, you might end up clogging the pipe.
Therefore it is recommended to throw the toilet paper out in a wastebasket or opt for using thinner toilet paper instead of thicker toilet paper.
Water Level in Tank is a Bit Low
“The water level in a tank should be approximately one inch set below the top of tank’s overflow tube,” statesrsandrews.com. If the water tank is way too low, you should check the water valve as soon as possible.
If for some reason, the valve was accidentally shut off, you should turn it on and monitor the water level in the tank so that fills up to the right level. Once that is completed, you may flush again.
The Chain Isn’t Working Properly
Sometimes the lift chain can get stuck and can cause the toilet to flush improperly. In order to fix this problem, you need to adjust the length of the chain so that the chain will be able to raise the flapper of the flush tube and eventually allow water to flow when the handle is properly pulled.
The Flapper is Either Bent or Warped
To fix this issue, remove the toilet lid and inspect the rubber flapper. Then if you notice that the flapper happens to be flattened or bent, you will definitely need to replace it. Flappers are relatively inexpensive and can be found at any home improvement or hardware store.
Then you should turn off the water and drain the sink before switching the old flapper for a new one. After you should try flushing the toilet again to see if the problem has been resolved.
Your Greenwood, IN home toilet issues can be a nuisance to the whole family. Call Johnson Heating & Cooling at (317) 881-7738 today, and let’s get your toilet back to its flushing state!