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Time to Breathe in the Fresh Air

Apr 17, 2015

3 Ways To Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring


Greenwood Air Quality Services While you love the fact that winter is now over and spring is finally here, it is not all sunshine and roses. With it, comes the yearly nuisance of allergies and how to solve them. But don’t fear, your local HVAC technician can help.

These individuals professionally work on heating, cooling, ventilation and refrigeration systems. These systems control the air quality in many types of buildings.

If you have allergies, they can be your best friend. Here are three things to have your expert do to help allergy-proof your home.

1) Clean Your Air Conditioning System

Things can get built up over the winter in the lines, between the panels, etc. And you don’t want those dust and other allergens to blow out into the air and making your allergies act up.

But by having this system properly cleaned you can guarantee that all you’ll be breathing is that refreshing cool air.

2) Make Sure All Your Vents are in Working Order

Air rises and needs a place to escape. But it’s not just the air, it’s all the dust and particles that go with it. If your vent system is clogged up it can cause the particles to just hang in the air with no place to go. These will almost certainly cause your allergies (not to mention your spring cleaning) unwanted problems.

Greenwood Allergy Proof

3) Have an Air Filter System Installed or Maintained

Sometimes you want to take it up a level especially if you have serious allergies. Having a system that can recycle the air you have and transforming itinto fresh beneficial air is invaluable.

There is no one thing that is more important than the other. Having an allergy-free spring and beyond is a team effort as you need to make sure all your systems are doing their part so your lungs can do theirs.

While this is a great list to start, it is not comprehensive. Have your local HVAC special come in and look and see all the ways your home can be improved and you’ll be allergy proofed in no time!

Constantly sneezing in your Greenwood home? Call Johnson Heating & Cooling at (317) 881-7738 today, and breathe in the fresh air.

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