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Greenwood, IN Commercial Furnace Tune Up

Commercial Furnace Tune-Ups in Greenwood, IN

At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we understand the importance of keeping your commercial furnace functioning smoothly all year round.

Temperatures can vary drastically in Greenwood, IN, which is why it’s crucial to ensure your commercial heating system is optimized for a comfortable and productive work environment. Our Greenwood, IN commercial furnace tune up service is here to assist you in maintaining your furnace’s smooth and efficient operation.


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The Importance of Commercial Furnace Tune Ups

As a business owner, you know that having a reliable and efficient heating system is crucial for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment for your employees and customers. A commercial furnace is a key component of your heating system, and it needs regular maintenance to work at its best. With regular commercial furnace tune ups, you can expect the following benefits:

Improved Energy Efficiency

A commercial furnace that’s well-maintained is more energy efficient, which results in lower energy bills for your business. During a tune up, a skilled technician will clean and inspect your furnace, ensuring it’s running at peak performance, and identify any potential issues that could lead to wasted energy.

Increased Reliability

Regular tune ups help prevent costly breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your commercial furnace. During a tune up, the technician will replace worn-out parts, lubricate moving components, and tighten loose connections, which prevents small problems from turning into major repairs.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

A poorly-maintained furnace can circulate dust, allergens, and other airborne contaminants throughout your building, impacting indoor air quality. A tune up includes cleaning or replacing air filters, removing dirt and debris from ductwork, and ensuring proper ventilation, which improves the quality of the air your employees and customers breathe.

Peace of Mind

With a regular commercial furnace tune-up, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your heating system is working optimally, efficiently, and safely. This allows you to focus on running your business without worrying about potential heating system problems or issues.

At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we know the importance of regular maintenance to ensure your furnace operates safely and efficiently. Our highly-skilled and experienced technicians employ a comprehensive approach to commercial furnace tune ups that evaluate and optimize every aspect of your furnace’s system. Our detailed approach ensures your furnace is working correctly and maximizes its energy efficiency, ensuring your workplace is comfortable and inviting.

What is Included in our Commercial Furnace Tune Ups?

Our Greenwood, IN commercial furnace tune ups include comprehensive checks of every single critical component of your furnace. Our process includes the following:

Pilot and Ignition System Check

Our highly-trained technicians will examine your furnace’s pilot and ignition system to ensure everything is functioning correctly and that no blockages or defects are present.

Blower Motor Inspection

We’ll examine the blower motor to check for any obstructions, debris, or buildup that could clog the furnace or cause it to break down. We’ll then clean or replace the motor’s air filters, allowing the furnace to operate efficiently.

Combustion Chamber Exam

Our team will inspect the combustion chamber to ensure that there are no visible cracks, leaks, or potential hazards, ensuring that there is no risk of carbon monoxide leakage, which can lead to grave medical complications.

Gas Line Check

We’ll assess your gas line to make sure it is functioning correctly and safely.

Thermostat Analysis

Our team will examine and calibrate your thermostats to match the temperature accurately. We’ll check for any defects or technical issues and correct them to ensure optimal performance.

Duct Inspection

Our technicians will examine your ducts to ensure they’re free of obstructions or debris, ensuring optimal energy efficiency.


The motors and other mechanical parts will receive lubrication to reduce the strain on them, thereby prolonging their lifespan.

    Why Choose Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing for your Commercial Furnace Tune Up in Greenwood, IN?

    Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing has been the trusted name in the Greenwood area for continuous excellence since 1968.

    Our team of highly-trained, certified professionals is ready to help you with all of your furnace tune-up needs. We offer transparent pricing, are quick to respond, and truly care about our customers and their needs.

    Our technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques to get the job done right. We’ll identify all aspects of your furnace that require repair, maintenance, or replacement. We’ll also provide you with an accurate and transparent estimate before beginning any work so that you know what to expect.

    Ron Griesemer, Owner

    Contact Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing

    If you’re looking for reliable, efficient, and comprehensive commercial furnace tune up services in Greenwood, IN, turn to Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing. Our team of experienced technicians is here to help you keep your commercial furnace functioning optimally all year round. Call us today to schedule your commercial furnace tune up service and experience the Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing difference!

    (317) 881-7738

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