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Franklin, IN Ductless Mini Split Installation

Ductless Mini Split Installation in Franklin, IN

Ductless mini split systems have become a game-changer for many homeowners in Franklin and throughout Central Indiana. These innovative heating and cooling solutions offer unparalleled comfort, energy efficiency, and flexibility. At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we take pride in installing ductless mini split systems that not only meet but exceed your expectations. 

We’re committed to getting the job done right, so you can enjoy the benefits of your system for years to come. When you need ductless mini split installation in Franklin, IN, trust Johnson to deliver top-notch service.


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How Do Ductless Mini Split Systems Work?

Ductless mini split systems, as the name suggests, provide heating and cooling without the need for traditional ductwork. They consist of two main components: an outdoor unit (condenser) and one or more indoor units (evaporators). Here’s how they work:

Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit houses the compressor and condenser coil. It’s responsible for absorbing heat from the indoor air during the cooling season and expelling it outdoors to provide cooling. In the heating season, it reverses the process by extracting heat from the outdoor air, even in cold temperatures, and bringing it indoors to warm your living space.

Indoor Unit(s)

These sleek, wall-mounted units are installed inside your home. They contain an evaporator coil and a fan. The indoor unit distributes the conditioned air directly into the room where it’s installed. Each indoor unit can be controlled independently, allowing you to set different temperatures in various zones of your home.

Benefits of Installing a Ductless Mini Split In Your Home

Installing a ductless mini split system in your home comes with a range of advantages:


  • Energy Efficiency: Ductless mini splits are highly energy-efficient thanks to their ability to deliver targeted heating and cooling. You can save on energy bills by only conditioning the rooms you’re using.
  • Zoned Comfort: These systems allow you to create individual temperature zones in different areas of your home, ensuring everyone’s comfort.
  • Easy Installation: Unlike traditional HVAC systems, ductless mini splits require minimal installation work. There’s no need for ductwork, making them a cost-effective and less intrusive option.
  • Year-Round Comfort: Ductless systems provide both heating and cooling, making them versatile for year-round comfort.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: With no ducts to collect dust and allergens, indoor air quality is often better with ductless systems.
  • Quiet Operation: Ductless mini splits operate quietly, ensuring your peace and comfort.

At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience these benefits. That’s why we offer financing options to make your Franklin, IN ductless mini split installation more accessible than ever.

How Ductless Mini Splits Are Installed

The installation of ductless mini split systems requires precision and expertise, and that’s exactly what Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing delivers. 

First and foremost, we collaborate closely with you to identify the ideal system that aligns with your specific requirements, budget, and energy efficiency goals. Whether you require a single-zone or multi-zone system, our experts will expertly guide you through the selection process.

Our technicians then conduct a thorough evaluation of your home’s layout to pinpoint the perfect placement for both the indoor units and the heat pump. This meticulous planning ensures that your home benefits from consistent and balanced heating and cooling, providing optimal comfort throughout your living spaces.

When it comes to the actual installation, our team handles the task with exceptional precision and care. We meticulously attend to every detail, ensuring that all connections, refrigerant lines, and electrical components are not only properly installed but rigorously tested for reliability.

We also recognize that every home is unique, and your preferences matter. That’s why we work closely with you to ensure that the indoor units are positioned in a manner that not only optimizes your comfort but also complements your home’s aesthetics. 

At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we’re more than just about getting the job done; we’re dedicated to delivering a fully functional system that enhances both your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Contact us today for a consultation.

Taking Care of Your New Mini Split System

At Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing, we don’t just install your ductless mini split system; we’re here to take care of it for the long haul. Here’s how we ensure your system remains in top shape:

Ductless Mini Split Repair

Whether it’s routine maintenance to ensure your system’s longevity or an emergency repair to address any urgent issue, we’re available 24/7 to provide comprehensive repair solutions

Ductless Mini Split Maintenance

To keep your ductless mini split system operating efficiently for years to come, it’s highly recommended to schedule maintenance twice a year. This essential service, performed by Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing experts, includes a thorough inspection, cleaning of the indoor units, and a filter replacement.

As part of our commitment to your comfort and satisfaction, we invite you to explore our Comfort Club, a maintenance program designed to provide homeowners with peace of mind regarding their ductless mini split system. With benefits like priority scheduling and discounts on repairs, it’s a convenient way to ensure your system stays in peak condition. Join our Comfort Club today to enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained system.

Ron Griesemer, Owner

Contact Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing for Ductless Mini Split Installation in Franklin, IN

With over half a century of experience, Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing is a name that Central Indiana trusts. Our licensed and insured professionals are experts at what they do, and we treat every customer like family. Your comfort and satisfaction are our only goals.

For reliable ductless mini split installation in Franklin, IN, contact Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing today. 

(317) 881-7738

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