Fall is here, and winter is coming up right around the corner. Many people prefer the warmer seasons, but there are plenty of good reasons to like fall and winter:
There is no way to completely circumvent the chance of these things happening, but there are a few general tips the Greenwood homeowners and renters alike can follow to help your home out this winter.
Greenwood homeowners and renters are not always able to fix the problems that winter can bring to a home’s plumbing, so remember that it is OK to call the local plumbing company for help.
It is better to pay a plumbing company to properly fix the plumbing, rather than taking a risk by trying to fix it by one’s self.
How to Winterize Your Home’s Plumbing
Make sure your plumbing is properly insulated, and up to date. Some pipes under homes are made of metal, which is prone to freezing in the winter. Not to say that PVC pipes aren’t at risk of cracking, either, but properly insulated PVC pipes will rarely if ever, crack or burst.
It is also a good idea to properly insulate the crawl space so that the cold weather will have a more difficult time of negatively affecting the plumbing.
What to Do If a Pipe Cracks or Bursts
Unfortunately, there are not many things that the average homeowner can do to fix a broken pipe. Only people with enough knowledge and expertise of fixing and repairing plumbing should attempt to take on tasks as tedious as this.
Do not feel bad about calling a plumbing company to get some help, as the majority of people do not know enough about a home’s plumbing to fix it.
What to Do With Plumbing Outside of the Crawl Space
Water hoses and other sources of water that are part of a home’s plumbing, but located outside of the home, should be turned off and covered up with styrofoam or some other type of insulator. Waterspouts are more prone to freezing, bursting, and cracking in the harsh winter months, so a good deal of attention should be paid here.
If a waterspout is damaged, calling a plumbing company before the winter season ends is the best thing to do. Fortunately, there are not many uses for water hoses in the winter, if any.
Winter is almost upon us in the Greenwood, IN area. To get the best advice on winterizing your home, call Johnson Heating & Cooling at (317) 881-7738 today!