With the high cost of heat, energy efficiency is incredibly important in keeping your heating bills down. To start, do a visual inspection at home. Do you notice any areas right off the bat that could be conduits for warm air to escape outside?
Even small leaks or cracks can have a big impact on how much you have to pay to heat your home. It’s all about making your home air tight. Here are some suggestions on how to do just that.
The Chimney Lets Warm Air Out
It wouldn’t make much sense to leave your windows open in the height of winter. You should apply the same logic to your chimney because as much warm air flows out it if it’s not closed. Make a habit of closing the damper when you’re not using your fireplace.
Your chimney is essentially a funnel for warm air, lifting it out of the house and replacing it with cold air drafts. A chimney balloon inflates and stays put in your chimney until you are ready to use your fireplace again. It’s very effective in keeping that warm air where it belongs – in your house.
Leave Curtains Open
Furnace Tune-Up
When it comes to energy efficiency, it makes sense to spend a little money so that you can save a lot of money. This is the case when it comes to your furnace.
Get your filter changed. A dirty filter will prevent air flow. Getting your system professionally cleaned and inspected will make it more energy efficient and cheaper to run.
Run Ceiling Fans
Another way to give your furnace a break is to continue to run your ceiling fan as the season changes. Take advantage of that rising hot air coupled with the movement of the fan to really take the burden of heating off of your furnace.
Make Thresholds Flush
Seal gaps around exterior doors by installing weather stripping or by installing adjustable threshold material. This effectively raises the floor to the same level and closes the gap, eliminating the possibility for warm air to escape.
Seal Windows
Window film is a great energy-efficient measure that you can take to keep the warm air from leaving your home, while still letting the light in. You can hang the film on and around windows, trapping warm air. You can also apply it directly to the window itself by using a heating method. Other tips include sealing any cracks in the seals or hanging tightly fitting drapery.
We can help you get your furnace ready to work its best during the fall and winter seasons. Call Johnson Heating & Cooling, in Greenwood, In, today at (317)-881-7738.