Is Your Furnace Prepared for Winter?
It’s that time of year again! Especially here in Indiana, where winter means fluctuating temperatures, second-guessing the weather report and getting prepared for the sudden overnight drops of ice and snow – and temperature! While you may be getting your home ready for winter weather conditions, in other ways don’t forget to get your furnace prepared as well.
Why Is it Important?
The last thing you want as the temperature creeps below freezing is to discover your furnace can’t keep up. Resting all year, a sudden on-switch shocks any system, and your furnace is no different. By taking the appropriate steps to prepare your furnace now, you’ll grant your furnace a longer lifespan and grant yourself more consistent home temperatures, a stronger reaction when the temperature falls, and a cheaper energy bill.
Part of prepping your furnace for winter is ensuring it’s appropriately maintained all-year-round. The little issues you may have noticed last year and since forgotten could be bigger than you left them. Call us today at 317-881-7738 or contact us for a check-up and ensure your system can keep up this winter.
How to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter:
- Check your home first
Work ahead and save your furnace from working overtime by addressing the areas in your home that leak heat or don’t retain it as well. Seal windows or doors that ventilate outdoors and check the insulation in your home to increase heat retention and conserve energy. By seeing where you can cut cost in energy and help your home stay warm, you can give your furnace an advantage.
This is also a great time to check your carbon monoxide detectors and functions in your home that protect you and your family. Testing this precautionary step (or adding it to your home) could help detect furnace issues early on.
- Check your furnace second
You likely haven’t checked in on your furnace for some time, and with sudden winter onset, it can be tough to ask it to jump into high gear immediately.
To give it a healthy start, first make sure the area around your furnace and your furnace itself are clean. Dust or debris has the potential to damage not only your furnace but the air quality circulating in your home. Air vents and ducts should also be cleaned routinely.
Next, you should inspect and test your furnace functions. Make sure the blower motor and heat exchanger are both clean and lubricated for full efficiency. Sound like too big a task? You can contact us for an inspection and boost before winter gets too far along.
Give your furnace a fresh filter to start the season off with. Depending on the size of your filter, you should replace filters once every two to six months.
- Plan for transition
As your furnace gets up to speed, it will take time to adjust to changing temperatures and fight to work toward your temperature goal as it gets started. To allow it to be most effective, plan for transition as opposed to an immediate shift.
As temperatures start to drop, gradually turn off your AC and gradually turn on your heat after. While it takes some time for winter in the Hoosier state to figure itself out, avoid the programmable thermostat during varying temperatures and stick to manual adjustment to ensure you are only using the energy you need and not overworking your furnace unnecessarily. When temperatures become more consistent, switch the programming back on and your furnace will be already up to speed.
- Get an expert opinion
If this is your first time checking on your furnace in some time, or perhaps this is your first winter in your current home, it’s important to get a professional out to inspect and possibly repair your system. Industry recommendation is to have your furnace and heating / cooling systems checked annually for the unforeseen circumstances that can arise throughout use. There’s no better time to be extra safe and sure than just before you need your furnace most!
If you notice anything causing you concern as you begin to prepare for those brisk winter months, a quick call could make the difference! Contact us today to see where Johnson can support this winter or give us a call at 3 317-881-7738.