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Why is it Important to Have a Properly Sized Furnace?

Jan 16, 2015

Having a new furnace installed by a professional HVAC company will ensure that your home is properly heated during the coldest times of the year. One of the biggest problems many homeowners will encounter when it comes to their new furnace is it was not properly measured before ordering.

Homeowners trying to save money will simply shop for the best bargains, unaware of how important it is that the size of the furnace properly match the space needed to be heated.

Whether the unit is too big or small, you are wasting money in utilities and causing the system to wear out faster than need be. Here are some important things to consider concerning the size of the new furnace.

What if the Furnace is Too Big?

When the furnace purchased for your home is too large, you will run into a number of significant issues. The biggest issue is that you will find that the new furnace will short-cycle.

The term short-cycle simply means that the furnace will be turning on and off too frequently. In addition to this being less efficient, the parts of the furnace are going to wear much faster than the manufacturer recommends. The properly sized furnace will run more efficient running until the outside temperature is exactly equal to the targeted temperature.

What if the Furnace is Too Small

Similar to the furnace being too large, when the furnace is too small to heat the home properly, the interior temperature will never be able to reach the desired setting. When the furnace is too small, it will not be able to dehumidify the home, causing the air quality to suffer.

The furnace will run twice as hard as recommended, causing all the moving parts to need maintenance much more frequently. A cheaper smaller furnace will cost you more in repairs than the money saved during the initial purchase.

Greenwood Proper Furnace Size What are the Benefits of the Right Size System?

The properly sized furnace will run much more efficiently, helping to maintain the desired temperature much more easily.

The system will run in shorter cycles, wearing less on the parts while producing the appropriate heat to warm the entire home.

Have your local HVAC technician properly measure all the living space that will be heated so they can make the determination which sized furnace will be right for keeping the house warm this winter.

Are you looking for the right furnace size for your Greenwood home? Johnson Heating & Cooling can help, just Call (317) 881-7738, to get reliable service from the professionals.

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