With rising energy prices, it’s important that you’re able to understand your HVAC equipment. Gaining more knowledge on your system will empower you and your family in consolidating your energy expenditures even as prices rise.
Our experts have many years’ experience in the HVAC marketplace, and in this latest post, we’ll look at several of the most common myths.
You Can Replace an Air Filter without Expertise
One of the reasons many homeowners lose cooling efficiency in their home is they try to replace air filters without knowledge of filter and conditioner performance. This means that, although they might understand how to replace the filter effectively, they don’t know whether there are mechanical issues with the system.
They also might not be replacing their air filter according to the required industry replacement times, which means the filter might be ineffective for several months before it’s replaced. By following industry guidelines and working with a specialist during air filter replacement, you can minimize your home energy costs considerably.
You Don’t Require a Fan If You Have an AC Unit
If you have an AC unit in your home, you might be wondering about the value that a fan can bring to the home environment. But not having a fan in the home will limit you when requiring a certain level of specific cooling.
Fans are designed to cool people, while AC units are designed to cool home environments. You’ll need both a fan and an AC unit if you wish to remain cool in all seasons this coming year.
If the System Isn’t Broke It Doesn’t Need to Be Fixed
For most homeowners, functioning air conditioning and heating systems are operating according to the required standards. But often, there are underlying performance issues that could cost you money either now or in the short-term.
It’s important that you work with a maintenance professional to ensure the system is managed according to the standards required. Rather than waiting until there is a problem to be fixed, book annual maintenance work to ensure a low-cost, high-performance system is working for your home.
Moving the Thermostat to Extremes Will Ensure Speedy Temperature Changes
Another of the most commonly believed myths in the HVAC field is that, by moving the thermostat to a higher or lower temperature, you can make it reach your target temperature quicker. This is simply untrue.
Unless you have a two-stage AC system in the home, the system is designed to work at one speed. It will reach the required temperature at a specific speed, regardless of the temperature to which it’s set.
By uncovering more of the myths in the HVAC marketplace, you can ensure your family reduces its home heating and cooling costs. To discover more on this topic, call our expert Greenwood, IN team now at 317-881-7738.